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Hong Kong‘s Money -- The History, Logic and Operation of the Currency Peg

ISBN: 9789622098770
定價: HK$ 135.00
作者: Tony Latter
語言: 英語
出版社: Hong Kong University Press
出版日期: 2007-08-01
發行日期: 2007-06-01
The first comprehensive book about Hong Kong's distinctive monetary system - the system by which Hong Kong has pegged its currency to the US dollar since 1983. An authoritative volume from an author who has been intimately involved with Hong Kong monetary policy for a quarter-century. Gives answers to all these questions: How does Hong Kong's monetary system operate? Why was it introduced? What are its important differences from other monetary regimes? And how has it performed? Provides both a quick primer for all business people in Hong Kong, and an intensive analysis for researchers and students of economics.