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Famous Chinese Sayings Quoted by Wen Jia

ISBN: 9789628931651
定價: HK$ 250.00
作者: Wang Chunyong
語言: 英語
出版社: 中華書局(香港)有限公司
出版日期: 2009-10-09
發行日期: 2009-10-19
本書收集溫家寶總理在各種訪談、演講、會議中引用的詩文、名句120條,詳列出處,釋義,概述引文的作者、作品背景以及引用背景,分析溫總理?什?要在此時此地、此情此境引用此人此言,讓讀者借此窺見溫總理的素養、品格和他對中國改革、民生諸問題的觀點、態度等,從而深切地理解溫總理的行事與?人;並通過溫總理的解讀、闡發,更深刻地領會這些智慧寶珠的奧妙。 This book has 124 lines of Chinese sayings quoted by Premier Wen in various interviews, speeches and conferences. The source, authors, meaning, and background of the quotations are given in detail. The contexts in which Premier Wen quoted these lines are also comprehensively analyzed. The book gives an insight into his views and thoughts on China’s reform and the welfare of the people. Through these quotations, readers will get to know Premier Wen, his personality and his perspectives. Readers will also grasp the wisdom of the sages through Premier Wen’s exposition of his quotations. 本書特點: 1.溫家寶總理是中國最擅長引經據典的國家領導人之一。他的言談裏不經意間就會跳出一些經典的詩文、名句。這些引文言簡意賅、意蘊深遠,是人類歷史文化長河中凝成的智慧寶珠。 2.而溫總理引用詩文,也並非一時一地為切合情境或豐富文采而用,它們往往具有極其深刻的寓意,同時折射出溫總理的思想、觀念、風格、操守。 3. 此書首次全面收錄溫家寶總理經典引句,從獨特的視角切入政治人物的內心; 4. 深入挖掘引言背景,幫助讀者領會其中深意。